Sunday 16 November 2014

Charity's "9th Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week" starts Monday 17th November.

OCT 22, 2014
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lynn Griffiths. You properly won't of heard of me. That is unless you, a family member or friend are a victim of carbon monoxide.
  • From 1988 - 1999 My family and I were poisoned by carbon monoxide for over a decade. 
  • From 1999 - 2005 I became carbon monoxide aware and made some great contacts in the UK and America.
  • From 2005 - 2014 I worked long hours unpaid as President of the charity "Carbon Monoxide Awareness." 
I have spend the last "26+ years" either being poisoned by carbon monoxide or trying to prevent what my family and I went through/are still going through from happening to another man/woman/child living/working in here in the UK.
  • I know what first hand what it's like to be a victim of carbon monoxide. 
  • I know what it's like to be poisoned by carbon monoxide and have nobody to turn to for help, support or advice. 
  • I know what it's like to get misdiagnosed by a doctor as suffering from the flu, a virus etc. 
  • I know what it's like to have carbon monoxide cause long term and permanent health problems with debilitating effects to the sufferer. 
  • I know what it's like to love someone only to loose them and have to bring up your son aged three years and two there sons and a daughter all of school age all alone. 
  • I know what it's like for a solicitor/barrister tell you that you. According to your medical records you had a miscarriage at the time you were pregnant with your daughter. 
  • I know what it's like to try and get a school's SENCO teacher to give your son the correct cognitive tests only to have your pleas fall on deaf ears.  
  • I know what it's like to pay for a gas service (annually) for over a decade only for a blocked flue to be missed over and over again.   
  • I know what is like to care and understand. 
  • I know what it's like to have no donations to help you continue with something you know more than most about. This is all the charity has to survive on
How many people/families living/working here today are unaware they too could be suffering the effects of chronic carbon monoxide poisoning just like my family and I were without even knowing it ?? 

How many children are living in a family who can't afford to pay to have ANY of their appliances serviced or chimney swept ?

How many parents will take their children camping next year, unaware that taking a barbecue (even when cool to the touch) inside a tent could lead to death or injury from carbon monoxide ?

How many teachers will put a child/young persons symptoms of carbon monoxide down to a behaviour problem or the child staying up late playing on computer games?

How many people will visit their GP's surgery or hospital with carbon monoxide symptoms only to be told it's the flu, a virus, food poisoning or a hangover?

Carbon monoxide can causes brain damage, behaviour problems, confusion difficulty with concentration and co-ordination.  Please click here:   

Carbon monoxide incidents over the last 21 months have been rising faster than our charity has ever seen before. Carbon monoxide incidents I believe will go up even faster due to more and more people families being forced to live in poverty. Food banks are popping up everywhere and the last thing on any ones mind will be to make sure ALL their fuel burning appliances are serviced and their chimney if they have ones is swept. I am keen to prevent this from happening to anyone else living/working in the UK but I and the charity need much more support to do this. I have 54 press clippings for carbon monoxide incidents this year. Our website carries a just over half of them please see:

Please pledge your support to our charity's 9th National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week.

Most of the charity's posters and leaflets can be found on our website or on one of the charity's main supporters website's  carrying their own logo below. 

Working together to help prevent deaths and injuries from carbon monoxide: 
For info:
Carbon Monoxide Awareness is an independent registered charity run "entirely" by unpaid volunteers founded by myself along with the charity's Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week. The "Charity's 9th Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week" runs from Monday 17th November to Sunday 23rd November 2014. The aim of the week is to warn those living/working in the UK that:
  • Carbon Monoxide is produced by the "incomplete combustion" of ANY hydrocarbon fuel coal, charcoal, wood, biomass, oil, petrol, diesel, natural gas and LPG and not just natural gas as so many people believe. 
  • You can be poisoned by carbon monoxide while in your own home, from an adjoining property, in a car, campervan, caravan, tent, holiday accommodation or on a boat. 
  • The need to get all their fuel burning appliances serviced and their chimney swept every year.
  • Letting tenants know what their landlords should do to protect them. 
  • Please see: 
The charity and I urgently need your support to help prevent what happened to my family from happening to someone else who lives/works here in the UK before they become the next victim of this silent killer.

If your company is looking for a new charity of the year for 2014/15 please think of us.
- See more at:

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